CamCat Books

Submission Guidelines:
CamCat Books publishes genre fiction for adults and young adults. We’ll look at any good tale, but what we want to see the most revolves around these genres:
- Action & Adventure
- Historical
- Horror
- Humor
- Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense
- Paranormal
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Romance
- Western
- YA
We’re looking for polished, edited, and properly formatted manuscripts in the above genres.
CamCat Books is not interested in:
- Children’s stories
- Poetry
- Erotica
- Previously published works (This includes titles published with another company and self-published titles. Please do not submit to us if your title has ever been for sale anywhere).
- Anthologies
More detailed submission guidelines can be found on our Author Portal. We recommend you visit that page before submission, and when you’re ready, open up our Submissions F.A.Q page for detailed help along the process.
We aim to get back to you within 60 days, but occasionally the review process takes longer. Feel free to check in with us any time.
We’re looking forward to your manuscript!